About Us


The world is experiencing an unprecedented environmental crisis that is affecting every aspect of our lives. Despite the visible and scientifically proven impacts of climate change, finding leaders who genuinely care about preserving our planet’s ecosystem is still a challenge. Many leaders deny the science or lack a clear plan for climate action, even when elected.


We aim to make it easier for people to find and support leaders who understand the science of climate change and have a clear vision for taking meaningful action. By connecting individuals with environmentally conscious leaders, we are working towards a future where sustainability is prioritized and real climate solutions are implemented.


Our mission is to link people with leaders who are committed to environmental sustainability and taking strong, effective actions to safeguard our planet. We provide the tools and information needed to make informed decisions about which leaders to support, fostering a global community of individuals dedicated to tackling the critical environmental challenges we face today.

Our History:

Lead4Earth, originally known as Nisarg Foundation Inc., has a long history of supporting environmental initiatives and engaging in multilateral processes, particularly through the United Nations. We launched the "Road to Sustainability" initiative, a platform that gives environmental advocates the opportunity to present their ideas and strengthen climate adaptation efforts. Over the years, our work has positively impacted more than 50,000 individuals, establishing us as a strong voice in the fight against climate change.

Learn more about our initiatives and their impacts at lead4earth.com.